Thanks for joining us this year!
We had a great time in Tempe this year. We love getting together with fellow users and learning the best way to get the most out of our CA PPM environments. Together, we explored new tools and techniques to ensure you have the knowledge you need to manage your CA PPM environment. Hope to see you next year!
April 25-27
Collaborate with your peers while enjoying Rego’s experience and knowledge-sharing. This is the core regoUniversity training experience. The Main Event will run from Sunday night through lunch on Wednesday.
[/icon_box]April 25-28
With such a packed agenda, we added an extra day, so you can fit in all the Jaspersoft, process, and training classes you’re after. Main Event + 1 Day will run through lunch on Thursday.
[/icon_box] [/one_half_last]April 28-29th
You asked if we could dedicate training sessions to Project and Resource Managers. RM PM Solution is a full two-day session Thursday and Friday, designed to get more value from CA PPM.
[/icon_box]April 25-29th
Enjoy the entire regoUniversity experience with a full week of training. Stay for the Main Event + RM PM Solutions to maximize your trip and enjoy the resort. Main Event + RM PM solutions runs the full week, starting Sunday night and going to 4:30pm on Friday.
[/icon_box] [/one_half_last]–
Still trying to decide if you want to come to regoUniversity?
Let previous attendees help you make your decision!
[call_to_action_2 style=”1″ header=”THREE DAYS OF INNOVATION” content=”Join us at the largest, dedicated CA PPM knowledge sharing event.” buttontext=”REGISTER” background=”” background_hover=”#004094″ url=”” target=”_self”]